Apr 21, 2023
Anderson Valley's custom skatepark design unveiled
After many months of planning and design, Anderson Valley's custom skatepark design has been finalized! The plan includes a 12,500 square foot skatepark (plus two internal landscaped/seating areas), a viewing area with seating, a water fountain, access paths, landscaping with native plants, a bioswale to accommodate drainage, new trash and recycling receptacles (with mosaic panels) and an entrance wall that will feature mosaic and donor appreciation tiles. Creation of the entrance wall mosaic and tile work, as well as decorative mosaic stools, will be guided by local artist Martha Crawford, who will work with local artists and AV students to design and carry out the project. (This element of the project is meant to complement the existing mosaic archway entrance by local artist Rebecca Johnson, located at the northwest corner of the park.) The design also includes two shade structures, which will be custom designed and built by AV students under the guidance of local architect and contractor Alex Korn.Â
The custom skatepark design and surrounding features were developed in recent months in collaboration with community members and a team of local professionals. Two community design meetings were held in February and March, in which community members helped to guide and refine the custom design with contracted designers from Frontier Skateparks. We contracted Tyler Pearson of Cornerstone Civil Design in Ukiah to complete the grading and drainage plan, including bioswale design (a huge thank you to Tyler for deciding to donate one-third of his time in support of the Skatepark Project!). Local structural engineer Sash Williams volunteered to help coordinate the bioswale and other technical planning elements for the project. Local architect Alex Korn volunteered to create a scaled site plan for the project, which was instrumental for various planning purposes. Volunteer Martha Crawford, Creative Lead for the park development project, helped to shape the viewing area design (including unique triangular redwood benches) and entranceway artistic elements. Pam Callaghan, volunteer local horticulturist and landscape manager for the park project, was assisted by volunteers Linda MacElwee and Angela DeWitt in formulating a landscaping plan using native and drought-tolerant species. AV Fire Chief Andres Avila provided guidance on designing the skatepark for optimal emergency services access. And we collaborated with the Mendocino County Building and Planning Department to ensure compliance with code standards.
The skatepark project is being developed in tandem with other new projects planned by the AVCSD Recreation Committee to revitalize and further develop the AV Community Park.  These developments include a Greenflush vault restroom (which can later be converted to plumbing, when the public water and septic system is finalized), a large Community Pavilion gathering area with community kitchen, revitalization of existing playground picnic areas, and new access paths throughout the park. Stay tuned for a publication detailing this big-picture AV Community Park Development Initiative. Â
The total estimated cost of construction for the skatepark portion of this project (including all developments described in the first paragraph, plus half of the cost of the Greenflush restroom) is $1,167,102. We are applying for the CalTrans Clean California Local Grant Program to cover this cost, plus the additional park developments planned by the AVCSD Recreation Committee (described above). Grant awards will be announced in September 2023.Â
Until then, we have a great deal of fundraising to accomplish in order to cover all of the expenses necessary to have developed the project up to this point. Please help us by donating, buying merchandise and spreading the word!