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Full Site Plan Complete

Sep 19, 2024

County permitting application up next

Thanks to our brilliant engineering and architecture team, our full site plan is now complete! Using the recently completed skatepark construction plans, Cornerstone Civil (Tyler Pearson) finalized a thoughtful drainage and grading design to address existing drainage problems in the park and accommodate new park improvements.

The drainage plan was designed in close coordination with AV Health Center, to create an integrated outflow system for the contiguous properties. Currently, runoff from the AV Community Park is contributing to flooding in the AV Health Center parking lot. The Park's new drainage and grading plan will channel park and future skatepark runoff via a swale to the Health Center's new drainage system (alongside the existing parking lot). After analyzing the potential impact of added park runoff on culverts downstream from the Health Center, Cornerstone Civil integrated a metered drainage system as part of the park's drainage system, to slow the flow of runoff after major storms.

We are very grateful to Health Center leaders Ric Bonner (AVHC Board Chair) and Chloe Guazzone (AVHC Executive Director) for taking the time to work together on a drainage plan that benefits both the Park and the Clinic.

With the site plan finalized, Architect Alex Korn with Catamount Design is now working on our application to the Mendocino County Building & Planning Department, to first gain approval for our full site plan and subsequently permits for each component of the plan.

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